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Dissilio Q-Package

Q-Package for the RIGGTEK Dissilio*


The Q-Package for the RIGGTEK Dissilio complements the diverse functions of the Dissilio with the option of following features around the topic qualification.

  • guided mechanical qualification with extended report for easier qualification and complete documentation on the instrument
  • electronic serial number tracking of parts for clear overview of positioning of used accessories incl. automatic documentation on reports
  • electronic qualification tracking with due alerts for not missing the next  qualification
  • ability to custom mumber each position for enabling a flexible use of the vessel positions according individual needs
  • advanced continuous heating monitoring and reporting with a detailed temperature profile to proof correct temperature during the whole test
  • advanced continuous RPM monitoring and reporting with a detailed RPM profile to proof correct RPM during the whole test
  • adjustable tolerance limites for individual tolerances besides the pharmacopeia tolerances

The Q-Package extends on demand the scope of functions around the topic qualification with very useful features, all features are operable via the touchscreen or the Browser Interface (see more in our video) -  "SIMPLY SMART".


Do you have any further questions? We are happy to help personally. Please use our Contact center to write us an email or to give us a call.

* specifications are subject of change without further notice



Part NoDescription
0499.0032 Q-Package for Dissilio

additional firmware package for the Dissilio with additional useful features:
- guided mechanical qualification with extended report
- electronic serial number tracking of parts
- electronic qualification tracking with due alerts
- ability to custom mumber each position
- advanced continuous heating monitoring and reporting
- advanced continuous RPM monitoring and reporting
- adjustable tolerance limites

Can be retrofitted.

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