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News overview

21 Jun 2024


You want to ensure data integrity at your Dissolution Testing with the ease of use of a PC software, but you don´t want to have the efforts for software validations?

The “Browser-Interface” is a standard part of the firmware of all our instruments and allows remote control of the devices and live monitoring of its status by using a standard (web-) browser. No data is transferred to any PC and back to the device, everything is executed directly on the device. So there is no need of a time consuming software validation!


  • 21.Jun.2024
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16 May 2024

Dissilio Q-Package for enhanced qualification

Our Dissolution Tester “Dissilio” offers a lot of features to adapt to your individual needs for making your everyday work easier.
The optional Q-Package for enhanced qualificaton includes for example a guided mechanical qualification with extended report, electronic serial number tracking of parts, electronic qualification tracking with due alerts and advanced continuous heating and RPM monitoring and reporting for keeping the qualification and reporting best on track. SIMPLY SMART!

  • 16.May.2024
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26 Mar 2024

Dissilio with Immersion Cell for semisolids

You are looking for a reliable alternative to the Franz Cell to test semisolids?
Use the "Immersion Cell" according USP chapter 1724 in our Dissolution Tester "Dissilio" and enjoy a reliable standardized dissolution method.

  • 26.Mar.2024
08 Feb 2024

Visit us at Analytica 2024!

We look forward to your visit in Munich - Germany, Exhibition Center Hall A1, booth 505.
Vouchers for tickets are available on request.

  • 08.Feb.2024
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17 Jan 2024

Dissilio TOP-Package with Parent-Child feature

The optional TOP-Package of our Dissolution Tester "Dissilio" includes the Parent-Child-Feature. This enables to set all methods, users and some general settings at the "Parent-Dissilio" and to transfer it easily to all "Child-Dissilios" without any further PC-software. This saves a lot of time and avoids errors during editing methods, users and settings - SIMPLY SMART!

  • 17.Jan.2024
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18 Dec 2023

Season´s Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year 2024 from RIGGTEK!

As Christmas is a celebration of love and family and you don't always have to look far to help other people, this year we are donating to, among others, the 17-year-old Lukas Krüger, who is fighting every day for almost five years to return to an independent life after suffering a brain tumor. Read more here Every little help counts for him - including sharing this appeal for help.

  • 18.Dec.2023
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07 Dec 2023

Distributor training in Thailand

Last and this week, we have the pleasure to welcome again some of our distributors in Thailand.
Our sales and service trainings are taking place in Thailand and Germany every year to offer our distributors the best possible training, share news about our instruments, exchange knowledge and strengthen our relationships. This collaborative effort is to serve our valued customers the best way!
A big thank you to all our distributors for their dedication and continued good partnership! We are happy, that you are all part of our “RIGGTEK-team” to shape a common future

  • 07.Dec.2023
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22 Nov 2023

Dissilio - automatic synchronisation of date and time

Keep the date and time automatically up-to-date on the Dissilio - even when switching between summer and winter time - without having to constantly check and adjust them!
The standard connection of the Dissilio to a NTP server guarantees the same date and time for all devices connected to the NTP server - SIMPLY SMART.

  • 22.Nov.2023
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23 Oct 2023

AAPS - meet us!

Meet us in USA, Orlando - Florida at #AAPS, 22-25 Octobber 2023. We are looking forward meeting you at booth 2251 of our distributor RQS! Andreas Singer participates personally.

  • 23.Oct.2023
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20 Oct 2023

Dissilio - smart features according to your needs

You don´t want to pay for features of your Dissolution-Tester you don´t need? But you want to be flexible for future demands?
Our Dissolution-Tester Dissilio offers you a lot of standard features like the Browser-Interface and many useful optional packages according your specific needs, which can be retrofitted anytime as well. Don´t pay for not needed features - SIMPLY SMART

  • 20.Oct.2023
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28 Sep 2023

Dissilio - BACKUP-Package

Stay on the safe side with the optional BACKUP-Package!

Make manual and automatic backups of the whole system to USB, Windows-Shares, FTP-, FTPS-, SFTP- or SCP-Server.
Additionally it is possible to manually export the Audittrail at any time to a csv-file.
Control the backups via the touchscreen or remotely via the Browser-Interface

  • 28.Sep.2023
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22 Aug 2023

Meet us in Thailand

at the Thailand Lab in Bangkok, booth 4C16, September 6-8,  2023.
We are looking forward to meet you!

  • 22.Aug.2023
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14 Jul 2023

Dissilio - Driver for DissoPrep

With the new driver for the Media Preparation Station "DissoPrep", the Dissolution Tester "Dissilio" automatically integrates all data of the associated media preparation into the dissolution test report. Increased data integrity - SIMPLY SMART!

  • 14.Jul.2023
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19 Jun 2023

Dissilio Active Directory / LDAP

Use Windows Active Directory (LDAP) for all User and Login Security Settings at the Dissilio for central administration by Windows. SIMPLY SMART!

  • 19.Jun.2023
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16 Jan 2023

Meet us in person in 2023

Meet us in person in 2023 according to current planning at

  • the Pittcon in Philadelphia, USA, March 18-22,
  • the Analytica Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, April 19-21,
  • the Thiland Lab International in Bangkok, Thailand, September 06-08

or visit us anytime on request in our headquarter in Munich, Germany.

Looking forward to meet you!

  • 16.Jan.2023
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22 Nov 2022

Dissilio with Multiple Speeds

If desired, the Dissilio can optionally stir not only with one speed, but the Dissilio TX8 can stir with two and the Dissilio TX16 with up to four different speeds. The different stirring speeds with otherwise identical method parameters enable faster and more flexible method development or other stirring of blank and/or reference. "Multiple Speeds" thus offers even greater variability for individual requirements - "SIMPLY SMART".

  • 22.Nov.2022
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12 Oct 2022

NEW: Dissilio TX16 with up to 16 Positionen

Our dissolution tester "Dissilio TX16 eco" gives you even more flexibility with 12 to 16 positions. You can run two batches of a dissolution tests simultaneously and optionally test with up to 4 different speeds.

  • 12.Oct.2022
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13 Sep 2022

Bioprocessing with the Dissilio

With the Float-A-Lyzer®-Holders for the Dissilio we are offering a simple, secure and reproducible possiblity to perform bioprocessing tests according USP1 or USP2.

  • 13.Sep.2022
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05 May 2022

Syringe Filters from "Cronus"

Are you looking for alternatives to the expensive well-known brands of syringe filters, but are unsure about the quality of the many cheap suppliers?
Cronus syringe filters have proven their quality for years and are still much cheaper. Contact us!

  • 05.May.2022
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13 Apr 2022

Analytica 2022

Analytica 2022 will take place from June 21-24 in Munich. As we estimate the expected number of visitors to be low due to Covid-19, we will not exhibit at Analytica this year.
Instead, we offer you to visit us in Martinsried in the west of Munich from June 21-23 by prior appointment. We will be happy to pick you up from the subway if necessary. Please write to us at .

  • 13.Apr.2022
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09 Mar 2022

Dissilio - new Video

Our new video of the Dissilio is showing you, what we mean by "SIMPLY SMART - TO MAKE YOUR EVERYDAY WORK EASIER".
Have a look on it!

  • 09.Mar.2022
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24 Sep 2021

Dissolution-Camera-System "LabEye" - new second Generation

With the "LabEye" camera system, you can make forgery-proof video recordings or photos according to a schedule, so that you can also document your dissolution test with regard to physical desintegration.
The new second generation of the "LabEye" now offers smaller cameras, that can be used more flexible, improved performance and the possibility of using additional focusing lenses.

Ask us if you are interested or read more here.

  • 24.Sep.2021
19 Aug 2021

Dissilio - easy change of manufacturer due to compatibility with different vessels

We make the change to our new dissolution tester "Dissilio" particularly easy for you, because we eliminate the largest permitted variable between the manufacturers!

While all the variables that determine the hydrodynamics and thus the dissolution rates are within tight tolerances, a considerable variance is allowed for the diameter and height of the vessels. This causes different hydrodynamics and thus different dissolution rates! When switching the manufacturer, more complex cross-validations are often necessary.

With our Dissilio you can use your previous vessels from Distek, Erweka, Sotax, Agilent, QLA-Ultra-Center and Copley! That saves you a lot of time and money - SIMPLY SMART.

  • 19.Aug.2021
19 Jul 2021

Dissilio - Touchscreen and Browser-Interface for intuitive operation

Our new dissolution tester "Dissilio" will not only have a 7"-touchscreen with an intuitive menu structure, but also the innovative “Browser interface" - like our "DissoPrep" and "Sampilio" already have.

With the Dissilio, the user interface of the touchscreen is “mirrored” on the PC screen and you can easily operate the Dissilio with your web browser. That means you can see the live status, edit methods, print reports and much more.

Since no PC-software is required and no data is stored on the PC, there is no need for a complex software validation.

Thus, the Dissilio offers you two familiar operating options with the same user interface for the most intuitive operation - SIMPLY SMART.

  • 19.Jul.2021
23 Jun 2021

"Dissilio" - our new Dissolution Tester

Beginning of 2022 we will introduce our new dissolution tester "Dissilio"! According to the motto "SIMPLY SMART", it combines robust technology with clever solutions and state-of-the-art electronics - simply more than just "digital". You can find out more here over the next few weeks or contact us now!

  • 23.Jun.2021
27 Apr 2021


The syringe filters from Cronus® differ from the many cheap suppliers by their ISO 9001 certified quality and from the well-known expensive brands by their low price. They have long proven themselves through best quality, many variants and a reasonable low price. Now they are available again from RIGGTEK! A reference table helps to find the right filters easily.

  • 27.Apr.2021
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19 Mar 2021

Bioprocessing with Dissolution Testers

The Float-A-Lyzer® from Repligen offers a unique, simple, leak-proof and ready-to-use option for bioprocessing tests using dialysis. In combination with a dissolution tester and its reproducible and qualified flows, easily reproducible test results are obtained for the Float-A-Lyzer®.

From now on we not only offer you the holder for the dissolution tester, but also the matching Float-A-Lyzer® at low prices.

  • 19.Mar.2021
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03 Feb 2021

QLA sales campaign

With its dissolution accessory products, QLA is very popular with its many worldwide customers for the highest quality at an affordable price. In order to convince even more customers of QLA products in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, there is a "new customer campaign" in these countries with special attractive prices until March 30, 2021.

Ask us for a quote!

  • 03.Feb.2021
30 Nov 2020

Joyful Advent Season

The year 2020 was different from usual due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so we wish you and your families a happy and reflective Advent Season!

  • 30.Nov.2020
02 Oct 2020

Video of our Dissolution Media Delivery Station DissoPrep

The preparation and dosing of the media for the dissolution test is very time-consuming if all regulations and recommendations are observed. Our Dissolution Media Delivery Station "DissoPrep" does this work for you, since 1998 with an innovative working principle. Our new video shows you more.

  • 02.Oct.2020
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03 Jul 2020

Donation for Zimbabwe

The UNDP (United Nations Development Fund) bought a DissoPrep X15 for Zimbabwe. The DPX15 is now in use of the "Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe".

  • 03.Jul.2020
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19 Jun 2020


The topic of "sustainability" is currently a particular focus.
Sustainability has always been an important aspect of our actions at RIGGTEK.

  • 19.Jun.2020
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15 May 2020

Our service technicians during the corona-pandemic

Despite the corona pandemic, our service technicians are working for you as usual, because our devices are important for the continued supply of medicines.

In addition to the usual protective equipment in the GMP area, they pay attention to all corona hygiene measures as wearing mouth and nose masks - intentionally not FFP3 masks, as these would only protect on one side.

  • 15.May.2020
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24 Mar 2020

Corona Pandemic - distributor training in Mai 2020 canceled

The distributor training in Munich in May 2020 has been canceled due to the Corona virus to protect everyone's health.

Depending on the further course of the corona pandemic, we will plan online trainings or offer new appointments.
The next planned distributor training will take place from November 2nd to November 13th 2020 in Bankok, Thailand.

This is how we ensure quality of service even in difficult times. Stay healty!

  • 24.Mar.2020
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17 Mar 2020

Corona virus

Dear Madames and Sirs,

we have taken all measures imaginable so far that we will continue to be available for you as usual despite any home office and to protect the health of erverybody as best as possible.

We ask for your understanding, that due to problems in the supply chain, delivery times may be sometimes longer.

Stay healty! Your RIGGTEK team

  • 17.Mar.2020
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05 Mar 2020

Analytica 2020 postponed

Because of the actual situation concerning the coronavirus, the Analytica 2020 is postponed to October 19th - 22nd 2020.

We are looking forward meeting you in hall A1, booth 214. Take care and stay healthy!

  • 05.Mar.2020
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11 Dec 2019

Year end closing

As always RIGGTEK will be closing around Christmas and new year. We will be back at January 7th 2020.

We wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  • 11.Dec.2019
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25 Sep 2019

Oktoberfest 2019

We are a Bavarian family business. That's why we go to the Oktoberfest on Wednesday, 25.09.2019.

  • 25.Sep.2019
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24 Jul 2019

Summer party at RIGGTEK GmbH

On July 20, RIGGTEK GmbH organized a summer party for its employees and their families. The weather was perfect for barbecuing and laughing.

  • 24.Jul.2019
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30 Mar 2019

Analytica 2020

Come and visit us in Hall A1 at booth 214!

  • 30.Mar.2019
30 Mar 2018

Move to our new office

On the 19th of March the time had finally come: RIGGTEK moved into its new premises in Fraunhoferstraße. On 600 m² we are screwing and working for you.

  • 30.Mar.2018
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